Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-(USA) Political Science Evolutionary Socialism set-(USA) Political Science Evolutionary Socialism set-(USA) Political Science International Law Set-(USA) Political Science Development Theories and Under Development set-(USA) Political Science The Rights Set-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-(USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set/2 Sample Test,Sample questions

  About the origin of the state social contract theory replaced: 

1.Parriarchal theory

2.Matriarchal theory

3.Theory of divine origin

4.Evolutionary theory

  According to Rousseau Sovereignty resides in:  

1.The writings of Machiavelli

2.The philosophy of Bodin

3. Civil War of England

4. The French Revolution

  General will as expounded by Rousseau is sum total of: 




4.T.H. Green

  In the Greek City State the Government was: 

1.It helped in the evolution of political institutions

2. It developed in quality of obedience

3.The authority was obeyed as long as it was strong

4.Real authority in the state was fear

  Which one of the following did not contribute in the consolidation of power of the kings in modern state during 16th and 17th centuries? 

1. It became very strong

2.It became very weak

3.It helped in the growth of strong state

4. It began to perform some functions of the state

  Which one of the following is not a contributory factor in the growth of the state  according to Historical theory? 

1.The state is a natural institution

2.The state is gradual evolution

3.The state was created by God

4.The state is the result of a contract

  Which one of the following is not associated with social contract theory? 

1.Expansion of families

2.Handiwork of God

3.Outcome of force

4.A sudden revolution

  Who has said that social contact theory is fatal to political impostures? 



3.Constitutional monarchy


  Who of the following has said  that  man was born free and today he is everywhere in chains? 

1.Force theory

2.Divine origin theory

3.Patriarchal theory

4.Matriarchal theory

 In the city state the king was: 

1.Despotic king

2. Power of religion

3.Fear of Gad

4.Love for national culture

 Pick up one  which is not connected with the origin of the state: 





 Which of the following theory about the origin of the state is closest to Darwin s theory of the survival of the fittest? 

1.Real wills

2.Majority wills

3.Minority wills

4. Will of the elites

 Which one of the following is not an important factor for having colonial empire? 

1.There is naked exploitation of the people of the colony

2.The interests of the people of the colony are very much protected

3. Resources of the colony are not used for collective welfare

4.The people of the colony given a share in the running of their own administration

 Which one of the following is not correct about the imperial state of the orient?  

1.On high mountains

2.Valleys of the rivers

3.Near sea shores

4.Near the jungles

A good state is usually supposed to perform one of the following functions  which one: 

1.Police functions

2.Welfare functions

3.Supervisory functions

4.Military functions

According to exponents of theory of Divine Origin of the State the Kings derived their authority from: 

1.Civil society



4. Police state

According to Garner the state is the outcome of: 





According to social contract theory the state: 


2.Economic factor

3.Political consciousness

4.Class consciousness

At the height of glory in the Roman Empire  which was not? 

1.The state looked after the welfare of the people

2.A sizeable population consisted of slaves

3.All states followed monarchical system

4.The size of the state used to be small

Henry Maine has supported about origin of state: 




4.Deputy of God on earth

One of the earliest theories about the origin of the state is: 

1.Force theory

2.Patriarchal theory

3.Matriarchal theory

4.Evolutionary theory

Point out which of the following is not true of feudal system? 

1. In it everything developed around personality of nobles

2.Wealth was linked with landed property

3.Feudal had no interest in political life

4.Feudal lord divided his land as he liked

Rousseau was influenced by: 

1.Is created by God

2.Is a growth

3.Is created by contract

4. Is the result of human conquest

Social contract theory primarily dealt with: 

1.Nature of state

2.Origin of state

3.Purpose of state

4.None of these

The basic of oriental empire was: 

1.Scientific discoveries

2.Individual advancement

3.Desire to live in peace

4.Need for markets for dumping goods

The first territorial states developed and appeared: 

1.Well developed


3.Based on sound footings

4.Properly organised

The state of nature was substituted by: 



3.Constitutional monarchy

4.Absolute monarchy

The theory which is today accepted as the most widely accepted theory about the origin of the state is: 

1.Evolutionary theory

2.Social contract theory

3.Theory of Divine origin

4.Theory of dialectical materialism

The tribal system of state organisation was: 

1.Majority will

2.Minority will

3.The king

4.General will

Theory of Divine Origin of State supports: 





Which of the following is considered as the most appropriate theory about the origin of the state? 





Which of the following is not correct? 

1.Hobbe s man was nasty

2.Rousseau s man was noble savage

3.Hobbes social contract was bilateral

4.Locke s social contract was bi-lateral

Which of the following is not true of feudal state? 





Which of the following theories is the most acceptable theories regarding the origin of state: 

1.In it office was distributed on merit

2.In it office was distributed on hereity basis

3.In it land indicated wealth

4. In it feudal-lord took interest in political developments

Which one of the following are not the characteristics of colonial empire? 

1.Middle class


3.Industrial class

4.Colonial policy

Which one of the following is not the contribution of Roman Empire to the world? 

1.It proved that large states could be administered properly

2.It proved that large states could remain stable

3.That it failed to establish a universal code of law

4.It laid too much stress on unity

Which one of the following is not true about Greek city states? 

1.Little concerned with the life of the people

2.It did not try to establish mora values of the people

3. It touched every aspect of human life

4.In was indifferent to the needs of the people

Which one of the following is not true about the characteristics of the church of fourth century? 

1.Vassal was not obliged to render any military service

2. Concept of nation was not known to the individual

3.There was no uniform system of law

4.There was hierarchy of authority

Which one of the following is not true of feudal state? 

1.It gave uniform law

2. It promoted democracy

3.It gave the concept of powerful sovereignty

4.It promoted the idea of empire

Which one of the following is not true of Roman Empire? 

1.Conquest of territories

2.A highly centralised administrative system

3.The despotic emperor

4.The state did not come under the influence of the emperor

Which one of the following most seriously challenged the absolute authority of the king in the 17th century? 

1.Desire of the people to have strong monarchy

2.Resentment against church

3.Resentment against feudal system

4.Desire for security by the people

Which one of the following statements is correct about social contract theory? 

1.Theory of Divine origin

2.Force theory

3.Patriarchal and matriarchal theory

4.Social contract theory

Which one of the followings is the oldest theory regarding the origin of state: 

1.Divine Origin Theory

2.Social Contract Theory

3.Force Theory

4.Evolutionary Theory

Who advocated that the state is the expansion of family? 

1.Evolutionary theory

2.Patriarchal theory

3.Matriarchal theory

4.Theory of Divine origin

Who of the following said that in the state of nature hands of all were against one and hand of one against all? 

1.Sir Henry Maine

2.Sir Fredrick Pollock



Who of the following said that in the state of nature man was nasty and brutish? 


2.Herbert Spencer



Who said  will  not  force  is the basis of state? 

1.T.H. Green




Who supported Patriarchal theory about the origin of the state? 

1.Divine origin theory

2.Social contract theory

3.Marxist theory

4.Evolutionary theory

Whose name is associated with the organic theory of the state? 

1.Karl Marx

2.St. Augustine


4.Bernard Shah


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